Try a free demo

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Order a free demo

Try a free and no-obligation demo of GECKO Booking - fill out the formula, and we will send you a demo right away

Fields marked with * are required

Order a free demo

Experience GECKO Booking and systemise your work day
- it is free and non-binding.

Your information

Please fill in the spaces below and we will send you a demo of GECKO Booking as soon as possible.  

* indicates mandatory spaces. 

Please describe what the system is for, e.g. in which industry you are and which services you offer. This allows us to tailor the demo to your company and your needs.  


Gecko Booking demo

The demo allows you to test the many features included in the system. It provides the normal level of functionality that you find in GECKO Booking and can be cancelled or upgraded at any time.  

 Free set-up

 Free and non-binding 

 E-mail and support


If you have any questions for GECKO Booking you are always welcome to contact our support.


 +45 7027 1699

 +45 7027 1899
Mon - Thur. 09.00 - 15.30
Friday 09.00 - 15.00